Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

 Ahahahahaha test

AUTHOR: Chunyuan Liao, François Guimbretière
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2147783.2147786

To combine the affordances of paper and computers, prior research has proposed numerous interactive paper systems that link specific paper document content to digital operations such as multimedia playback and proofreading. Yet, it remains unclear to what degree these systems bridge the inherent gap between paper and computers when compared to existing paper-only and computer-only interfaces. In particular, given the special properties of paper, such as limited dynamic feedback, how well does an average new user learn to master the interactive paper system? What factors affect the user performance? And how does the paper interface work in a typical use scenario?
To answer these questions, we conducted two empirical experiments on a generic pen-gesture-based command system, called PapierCraft [Liao et al. 2008], for paper-based interfaces. With it, people can select sections of printed document and issue commands such as copy and paste, linking and in-text search. The first experiment focused on the user performance of drawing pen gestures on paper. It proves that users can learn the command system in about 30 minutes and achieve a performance comparable to a table PC-based interface supporting the same gestures. The second experiment examined the application of the command system in active reading tasks. The results show promise for seamless integration of paper and computers in active reading for their combined affordances. In addition, our study identifies some key design issues, such as the pen form factor and feedback of gestures. This article contributes to better understanding on pros and cons of paper and computers, and sheds light on the design of future interfaces for document interaction. 

REVIEWER: Muhammad Fariz (G64120075)

Sebelumnya banyak sekali teknologi yang memperkenalkan digital pen seperti Anoto (2002), DigitalDesk (1993), dan PaperPDA (1993). Perkembangan itu mulai membangkitkan interest pada bidang paper-based interface. Mulai dari device yang dapat menangkap coretan, timing, dan bahkan kekuatan tekanan pada pen digital, dan masih banyak lagi. 

Paper ini menjelaskan tentang dua penelitian tentang evaluasi kinerja, yaitu system dengan aplikasi dalam active reading menggunakan PaperCraft dan tugas-tugas yang masih dapat dikerjakan manusia dengan menggunakan paper. Percobaan pertama dilakukan pengujian kinerja secara keseluruhan dari PaperCraft ini menguji kinjera dari gerakan/isyarat yang ditangkap oleh system ini, ‘biaya’ transisi antara inking dan melakukan sebuah command, serta ‘biaya’ memilih parameter dari commands tersebut. Sedangkan dari percobaan kedua, partisipan diminta untuk membandingkan PaperCraft dengan antarmuka dual tablet PC dengan antarmuka yang biasa. 

Antarmuka berbasis paper (paper-based interface) bertujuan untuk memberikan kelebihan dari fungsi digital ke dalam bentuk kertas fisik. Seperti pada DigitalDesk yang keluar pada 1993, sistem ini dapat memberikan kelebihan digital dengan fleksibilitas, tetapi fleksibilitas dari kertas itu sendiri dibatasi dengan konfigurasi perangkat keras yang nonportable, seperti projector dan kamera. Tetapi dewasa ini, biasanya perangkat-perangkan nonportble tersebut telah dikombinasikan dengan pen digital seperti pada Anoto, PenLight, dan MouseLight. 

Penelitian ini menitikberatkan tentang bagaimana pembaca dapat mengandalkan multiple display surface, membaca dan menulis sambilan, serta mengandalkan kelebihan untuk mencari, menjelajah dan mengkolaborasikan dokumen pada kertas. Sedangkan pada PaperCraft sendiri command utama dilakukan dengan menginputkan gerakan/isyarat berbasis pen.

Dari segi interaksi manusia dan komputernya, saat melakukan suatu fungsi/tugas dengan komputer, pengguna membutuhkan feedback untuk memberitahukan pengguna tentang command apa saja yang dapat dilakukan oleh pengguna, mengidentifikasi kesalahan dini, atau juga mendukung sebuah aplikasi dalam melakukan task spesifik seperti mencari keyword. Walaupun feedback tersebut dapat dihasilkan dari display seperti telepon atau paltop, tetapi hal ini akan merumitkan pengguna untuk berganti-ganti antara pen dan display-nya. Sehingga diajukanlah pen-top multimodal feedback based degan kebihan feedback berdasarkan visual, tactility (sentuhan) dan auditory. 

Biasanya pada active reading, pengguna sering meninggalkan bacaan, melakukan anotasi, dan mengubah dokumen. Seperti dalam melakukan pencarian, atau membuat konten baru. Dengan meninggalkan pekerjaan/task yang sedang dilakukan tersebut didapatlah lima step cycle, yaitu: 

  1. Annotation
  2. Mengganti pen menjadi command mode
  3. Menggambar command
  4. Mengganti pen kembali ke annotation mode
  5. Melanjutkan annotation.

AUTHOR: Chunyuan Liao, François Guimbretière
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2147783.2147786
To combine the affordances of paper and computers, prior research has proposed numerous interactive paper systems that link specific paper document content to digital operations such as multimedia playback and proofreading. Yet, it remains unclear to what degree these systems bridge the inherent gap between paper and computers when compared to existing paper-only and computer-only interfaces. In particular, given the special properties of paper, such as limited dynamic feedback, how well does an average new user learn to master the interactive paper system? What factors affect the user performance? And how does the paper interface work in a typical use scenario?
To answer these questions, we conducted two empirical experiments on a generic pen-gesture-based command system, called PapierCraft [Liao et al. 2008], for paper-based interfaces. With it, people can select sections of printed document and issue commands such as copy and paste, linking and in-text search. The first experiment focused on the user performance of drawing pen gestures on paper. It proves that users can learn the command system in about 30 minutes and achieve a performance comparable to a table PC-based interface supporting the same gestures. The second experiment examined the application of the command system in active reading tasks. The results show promise for seamless integration of paper and computers in active reading for their combined affordances. In addition, our study identifies some key design issues, such as the pen form factor and feedback of gestures. This article contributes to better understanding on pros and cons of paper and computers, and sheds light on the design of future interfaces for document interaction.
REVIEWER: Muhammad Fariz (G64120075)
Sebelumnya banyak sekali teknologi yang memperkenalkan digital pen seperti Anoto (2002), DigitalDesk (1993), dan PaperPDA (1993). Perkembangan itu mulai membangkitkan interest pada bidang paper-based interface. Mulai dari device yang dapat menangkap coretan, timing, dan bahkan kekuatan tekanan pada pen digital, dan masih banyak lagi.
Paper ini menjelaskan tentang dua penelitian tentang evaluasi kinerja, yaitu system dengan aplikasi dalam active reading menggunakan PaperCraft dan tugas-tugas yang masih dapat dikerjakan manusia dengan menggunakan paper. Percobaan pertama dilakukan pengujian kinerja secara keseluruhan dari PaperCraft ini menguji kinjera dari gerakan/isyarat yang ditangkap oleh system ini, ‘biaya’ transisi antara inking dan melakukan sebuah command, serta ‘biaya’ memilih parameter dari commands tersebut. Sedangkan dari percobaan kedua, partisipan diminta untuk membandingkan PaperCraft dengan antarmuka dual tablet PC dengan antarmuka yang biasa.
Antarmuka berbasis paper (paper-based interface) bertujuan untuk memberikan kelebihan dari fungsi digital ke dalam bentuk kertas fisik. Seperti pada DigitalDesk yang keluar pada 1993, sistem ini dapat memberikan kelebihan digital dengan fleksibilitas, tetapi fleksibilitas dari kertas itu sendiri dibatasi dengan konfigurasi perangkat keras yang nonportable, seperti projector dan kamera. Tetapi dewasa ini, biasanya perangkat-perangkan nonportble tersebut telah dikombinasikan dengan pen digital seperti pada Anoto, PenLighht, dan MouseLight.
Penelitian ini menitikberatkan tentang bagaimana pembaca dapat mengandalkan multiple display surface, membaca dan menulis sambilan, serta mengandalkan kelebihan untuk mencari, menjelajah dan mengkolaborasikan dokumen pada kertas. Sedangkan pada PaperCraft sendiri command utama dilakukan dengan menginputkan gerakan/isyarat berbasis pen.
Dari segi interaksi manusia dan komputernya, saat melakukan suatu fungsi/tugas dengan komputer, pengguna membutuhkan feedback untuk memberitahukan pengguna tentang command apa saja yang dapat dilakukan oleh pengguna, mengidentifikasi kesalahan dini, atau juga mendukung sebuah aplikasi dalam melakukan task spesifik seperti mencari keyword. Walaupun feedback tersebut dapat dihasilkan dari display seperti telepon atau paltop, tetapi hal ini akan merumitkan pengguna untuk berganti-ganti antara pen dan display-nya. Sehingga diajukanlah pen-top multimodal feedback based degan kebihan feedback berdasarkan visual, tactility (sentuhan) dan auditory.
Biasanya pada active reading, pengguna sering meninggalkan bacaan, melakukan anotasi, dan mengubah dokumen. Seperti dalam melakukan pencarian, atau membuat konten baru. Dengan meninggalkan pekerjaan/task yang sedang dilakukan tersebut didapatlah lima step cycle, yaitu: 1. Annotation, 2. Mengganti pen menjadi command mode, 3. Menggambar command, 4. Mengganti pen kembali ke annotation mode, 5. Melanjutkan annotation.

Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

"Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no codes), precisely indicate the problem, and constructively suggest a solution."

The truth is, I'm not really sure it is a problem, but I'll act as it is.

Remember this one?

Pict 1. The alert
Well as you know they use the wrong grammar that i've just noticed it now! wow!!
It should be written as "Destination route must be chosen" not "choose" and for 
Recommendation: Change it!
Severiy Rating 1/4

2. Field Cannot Use some search

the next problem is this one. I know that it should be written in Flexibility and efficiency of use but this is about time we're talking about.
Pict 2. The filght search form
Users have to select destination and arrival route by the list when the site should provide some search box with suggestion for not choosing the route too long because it's in list.

Recommendation: Use datalist instead so users are given more that just one option about how to select routes.

Severity Rating 2/4

Thanks. it will be published soon

thanks for connection, Akim and Fachry :***

Match between system and the real world means that:

The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order. 

Okay, let's cut to the point. In this section of post I'll be giving one problem in sriwijaya site.

1. Sitemap are ordered in non-logical order

The site should display the sitemap in logical order, but this one doesn't. Just take a look

Pict 1. The sitemap

You can see that it's not really logic to visualize the sitemap because of the term they use (Main and Primary) by using list.

Recommendation: Use brainmap-like sitemap instead to visualize it.
Severity Rating 1/4. Because most people rarely explore sitemaps :')

Thank You

Error prevention

"Even better than good error messages is a careful design which prevents a problem from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action."

A good systems, applications, or websites should consider to use this guidelines, by preventing user from error, rather than fixing the error (even though fixing these problem is also necessary) because what? People are scared with error.

Sriwijayaair.co.id has many of them, but in order to keep my time efficient, I'll be giving you two of them and it's basically from wrong style of designing the website.

1. Search button are always enabled.

You can still search for a flight schedule without inputting the destination and arrival route and system will give you alert about the mistake you've just made. It's frustrating, because I am alerted and we would likely wondering what we're doing it wrong :')

Pict 1. Clickable search button
And you'll be given some of this...
Pict 2. The alert that shows
Recommendation: Disable the search button when user haven't inputted the destination and arrival route.

It's kinda disaster, and it's 4/4 for Severity Rating from me. fix, bay, fix!

2. Searching Office does't really search

When you want to look for this airline office, you can simply click the Office link below the site and you'l' be directed to Office site. But here our problem comes.

When you apply some filter region like this...

Pict 3. Filtering region by Jakarta area
First thing you'll notice, it doesn't give you a processing throbber which kinda against the rule of Visibility and System Status. Then you'll be given some information about the airline office located in Jakarta region. but... when I apply the filter like this...

Pict 4. Jakarta with Denpasar as the city
The system actually are in error state, because Denpasar is located in Bali instead of Jakarta. Heck! the system even couldn't inform us what we're doing wrong.

Recommendation: Give the error, for better result, just change the select option type with field and improved by adding area suggestion

Severity Rating? 4/4

Thanks. Winter Deadline is coming.